With great power comes great responsibility.

This is a system built on trust. Every sticker shipment request is manually reviewed by someone on our team and at HQ and every sticker shipment is personally prepared, packed, and mailed - with the address hand written - by @melinda from Greenbrae, California.

We are relying on you to be a responsible user of it. Stickers and other Hack Club perks are funded by donations to Hack Club and are not cheap - every package costs real donor money.

It's OK to request benefits for yourself, as a Hack Club member, because that is exactly what this is for. It's not OK, however, to abuse this system, such as requesting benefits that will not be used, excessively sending requests, or sharing these benefits with non-members.

If we come to a conclusion that you are abusing these benefits, you will be discharged from Amity Hack Club and will be banned from any club function or service.